
Recovery isn’t just about stopping the Addiction
Many people come into treatment and think, if I could just stop using/drinking/acting out my life would be fine, it would go back to “normal”. Here’s the thing, what’s normal?
Is normal that life you had before you started using/drinking?…

Early Recovery Demands
There are a few “suggestions” for people in early recovery. I say suggestions in the same way that it’s a suggestion to pull the cord on a parachute when you jump out of a plane.
The first thing to realise is that recovery has to come…

Recovery Adjustments
These are only a few of the Recovery Adjustments that you might face once leaving treatment, the list and lessons we learn in recovery are plentiful. Please feel free to comment below on what you might have learnt in recovery.
Allowing struggle.…

Daily Recovery Actions Dont Last Forever
Many people come into treatment and believe that the work they put in here is enough, and that the work they put in here, is going to carry them for the rest of their lives. This is a dangerous myth and one that could lead many to relapse.

Seaside Therapy
Proximity to the ocean can have a positive impact on your health: the closer you are to the sea, the better you feel. In fact, doctors have been prescribing curative trips to the shore from as early as the 18th century, and recent studies suggest…