Many people come into treatment and think, if I could just stop using/drinking/acting out my life would be fine, it would go back to “normal”. Here’s the thing, what’s normal?
Is normal that life you had before you started using/drinking? Is normal the way your life was as a child?
Here are the facts, if you walk into our treatment centre it tells us several things.
- Your life is no longer working.
- You are slowly or quickly dying.
- Your family and or loved ones around you are sick and tired of your behaviour.
- You, at some stage needed drugs/alcohol to cope with life.
- If you could have stopped on your own, you would have by now.
- Lastly you are not here by mistake.
Take note of point number 4, your normal didn’t work for you in the past why would it work now?
We understand that using and or drinking had become the major coping mechanism in your life. The question is not why the drugs/ alcohol, the question is why the need for mood and behaviour altering substance? What has happened in your life that made it okay to cope with such a self-destructive behaviour pattern?
Right here things start to get real for our clients. We go into the past and the present and work with them on as many of the “what’s” and “whys” as we can find in our limited amount of time with them.
We address the denial. Without fully conceding that there is a problem, the clients cannot fully concede that they need help.
We use the principal of Step One as a powerful tool to disarm the justification and rationalisation of the denial. “We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable”. That principal being powerlessness or complete loss of control. The need for support and help in early recovery is paramount to the ongoing process.
Recovery starts to take on another form. The old ideas and false expectations fall away. We instil the drive that recovery is not a side-line job and it isn’t an event but rather a program of continual action. We delve into the spirit and hope that clients come out the other side refreshed and with a new lease for life. We are in the life changing business and we might not always reach someone, but there is that one, two or three that get it and make the necessary changes and adjustments to live a full and happy life. This by no means is easy, but we suggest struggle, through the hardships come the growth, through the growth comes the freedom.
The freedom is there, waiting for you to grasp it and make it your reality !
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